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  • customer satisfaction
    as profit maker !

    Make your clients your best ambassadors,
    your best advisors & your asset in management
  • get insights from SMARTDATA
    Thanks to the SmartData app you can understand what
    makes your clients satisfied or unsatisfied,then act on it 
    in order to close the loop in a very professional way
  • Net promoter Score
    Seerus uses the NPS score to target your customers who are
    making you bad publicity from those who do your good publicity.
  • Create your survey in just a few clicks
    Start with the quick survey, 
    it's free and it takes only 1 minute

Create your new review manager

Get started free

Research or survey

Launch your marketing study, HR study or market research in only a few clicks.


Satisfaction survey - "Quick Survey"

Launch your basic satisfaction survey, opt for a quick and simple process.


Satisfaction survey - "Expert mode"

Launch your advanced satisfaction survey, opt for a configurable process.


Evolve WITH your customers FOR your customers ...

Today, most leaders put the consumer's voice at the center of their concerns. This client-centered policy helps them to maintain their leading position while ensuring effective growth. "What about you ?

  • +86% of buyers will pay more for a better experience
  • Improving customer retention cost 5 to 7 time less than acquiring new customers
  • Customer satisfaction is N°1 differenciator for 60% of organizations
  • Making clients as ambassadors boost revenues up to 20%
  • 85% of org. will see a measurable ROI impact from their CX projects
  • Automated analysis
  • Publication of reviews on website & social networks
  • Publication of reviews on Google
  • API's for an automated management
  • Moderator access and alerts management

Created surveys


Softwares partners

Our client reviews

Discover more client reviews here

  • More than positive, it's a great tool that changed my perception and management
  • Thank you Quentin, but also Julie and Sam, for the professional approach. You identified my needs and searched for solutions in a very short time. I am delighted to have made the right choice to trust you !
  • Just great, had a great contact with a very professional team, always there to help me through the process. 

Need help or info ? 
Contact us, we're there to help you



All the applications of SEERUS works with supports such as smartphones and tablets, but we advice you to create your survey direct from a laptop.